101 Jihaad Daripada Al-Quran Al-Kareem Online now

The word Jihaad ha been totally manupulated to create Islamophobia. As stated in the Holy Quran (Chapter 5: Verse 32, Chapter 2: Verse 190, Chapter 4: Verses 29 t0 30 and Chapter 60: Verse 8), Allah is totally against killing of innocent people. Allah had descreed more than hundred JIhaads in the Holy Quran that will bring peace and harmony to Mankind. In this book, a total of 177 Verses have been selected from the Holy Quran to explain 101 Jihaads that can be applied in our daily life. This book has 101 recitations (Supplications) that must be recited by every Muslim. All Muslims must also undertake 101 promises to Allah, that is, to Jihaad for the good of Mankind. After you have read 101 Jihaads in this book, you will embrace the true Muslim way of life, Insya Allah.
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